Tony Renshaw
Business Manager
In 2023, Tony commenced with Adelaide Traffic Control, assuming the role of a pivotal force in the organisation. Tasked with the implementation of robust business strategies, he diligently oversees the cultivation of both existing and novel customer relationships.
Tony boasts an extensive track record in delivering infrastructural projects of regional, state, and national significance, accrued during his tenures as Chief Executive and Executive Director within Local and State Government. His distinguished contributions have garnered recognition through prestigious state and national industry accolades in areas such as Management and Leadership Excellence, Risk Management, Work, Health, and Safety, as well as Community and Economic Development.
Beyond the public sector, Tony has showcased his leadership acumen as a Chief Executive in the Private Sector, spearheading projects alongside renowned international entities such as DuPont (USA), BHP (Australia), and Qingdao Brewery (China).
Despite his high-level executive responsibilities, Tony remains deeply engaged in the operational aspects, willingly immersing himself in hands-on tasks. This hands-on approach serves not only to maintain a strong connection with the practical facets of the business but also to exemplify the ethos of a role model for the entire Adelaide Traffic Control team.
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